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Does using video on social media actually grow your business

video for business video marketing

Does using video grow your business?

Yes and no.

But in the video above, you’ll learn the 3 key pillars you need in order to create video.


****GEAR I USE****
iPhone11 Pro Max

Movo LV1 microphone
iRig Condenser mic
Tripod and mount
Lighting kit
Other lighting

See more gear I use and recommend


Tags: how to use video to grow your business, how to use video on social media, how to use video to grow social media, how to use video to get better facebook reach, how to use video marketing as an entrepreneur, how to use video marketing, video marketing tips for beginners, how to use video marketing to grow your business, how to use video marketing in digital marketing, how to use video as a solopreneur, how to use video as an entrepreneur, how to use video marketing as a coach

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