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3 tips to get started with video for a business

3 tips to getting started with video in your business [VIDEO]

iphone video smartphone video video for business video marketing video tips May 30, 2017

Video is one of the best ways to get your business ahead online. In fact, after watching a video 64% of users are more likely to buy a product online.

But how do you get started creating videos? Sometimes it can seem an overwhelming task, especially if you have no idea where to start.

So here are three tips to get you started with creating videos for your business: 


There's no need to go out and buy a new camera in order to make videos for you business. Chances are you have a high-quality camera available to you - your smartphone. If you have an iPhone or Android made in 2012 or newer then you're probably good to go. Just make sure it films in what's known as Full HD (1080p).

The next step, which is often the most overwhelming is mastering the camera function, which is key to easy video creation on your phone. To help you learn how to do this I've created a simple step-by-step process in my free ebook 10 Steps to creating professional videos on your iPhone or Android.

This ebook lays out how to shoot professional videos on your phone without getting overwhelmed with the technology. It also includes a handy checklist at the back to help you streamline the process when you're out and about filming.

Simply click on the ebook below that corresponds with your device.

iPhone - 10 Steps to Creating Professional Videos

Android - 10 Steps to Creating Professional Videos



Like with anything new you're learning it's about baby steps. By keeping your videos short, you'll be able to focus on learning the process of making videos properly, without getting overwhelmed. Then as you get more experience, making videos in the future will be faster and easier.

Also it takes practice, and a bit of know how, to keep an audience engaged over a period of time. So keeping your videos short will help your audience stay through to the end (as you're only taking a short amount of their time). Keep them wanting more.



Don't overwhelm yourself by trying to create videos for multiple channels at first, just focus on one. Most social media channels use video as a form of engagement but when you're starting out it's hard to be everywhere!

YouTube or your Facebook business page is a good place to start as both focus heavily on video content.

YouTube is great for 'how to' videos (but relies heavily on your headline, description, thumbnail and tags so people can find you).

If you have a following on Facebook, or know your audience is using the platform it might be best to post your videos there. In fact, Facebook prioritises video content over other kinds of posts.

As you get more experienced, you may be able to repurpose your video across channels, but let's save that conversation for another day.


So what are you waiting for, download the 10 steps guides for your phone above and get started making high-quality videos today!

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